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26TH AUG 2021

Introducing ADA: The Advanced Digital Academy

Introducing ADA: The Advanced Digital Academy
Introducing ADA: The Advanced Digital Academy

We’re excited to offer a sneak peek into our new cyber and computing training venue at Cheltenham Campus

If you haven’t had a chance to visit yet, we’re excited to offer a sneak peek into our new cyber and computing training venue at Cheltenham Campus, ADA: The Advanced Digital Academy, ahead of its official launch next month. Check out our brand new video below.

Created thanks to £3m investment via our partnership in the West of England Institute of Technology (WEIoT), ADA is a state-of-the art venue for the creators and makers of the future, named after the first computer programmer, Ada Lovelace.

Kitted out with the latest hardware and software – and looking pretty impressive too – students and apprentices of all ages now have the optimal environment to learn and put cutting-edge theory into practice, while employers can make the most of the space too.

ADA comprises eight computing labs, cyber-forensics tool kits, collaborative working areas, study pods and networking spaces. The jewel in its crown is the cutting-edge attack and defence room. Powered by Intel Core i7-9800X processors, GeForce GTX 1050 Ti 4GB Graphics Cards and a massive 32GB of RAM, complete with 4K Ultra HD curved monitors, students and apprentices will be able to use the latest kit in the secure, off-network attack and defence room to test their skills against sophisticated simulated cyber attacks.

ADA is also home to Code Ninjas, the world’s fastest-growing children’s coding franchise, which teach children aged seven to 14 how to code in a fun, safe and inspiring learning environment, using a game-based curriculum.

Click here to find out more about ADA.