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2ND MAY 2023

Hear from our Apprentices in our Apprenticeship Q&A Panel

Apprenticeship Open Evening: Q&A
Apprenticeship Open Evening: Q&A

During our Apprenticeship Open Evening, we hosted an apprentice Q&A panel where our leaners answered questions all about apprenticeships. From Level 2 to Level 6, our panel of learners representing a range of industry sectors gave an in-depth look into the apprenticeship process, their daily tasks and their futures career aspirations. Here's what they had to say:

During our Apprenticeship Open Evening, we hosted an apprentice Q&A panel where our learners answered questions all about apprenticeships. From Level 2 to Level 6, our panel of learners representing a range of industry sectors gave an in-depth look into the apprenticeship process, their daily tasks and their futures career aspirations. Here's what they had to say: 

Why did you decide to do an apprenticeship? 

"I actually started at University, but I quickly found that it wasn't for me as I wanted to earn money whilst learning and get a qualification to be able to do what I wanted. I quite like science and technical things, so electrics sparked my interest and enthusiasm. I managed to get my apprenticeship by finding my employer first and then they put me on the course." - Oliver Badger, Electric Installation apprentice at MJF Electrical 


"Originally, I did a Plumbing Level 2, so I wanted to learn more and cover a bit more of everything so I decided on Property Maintenance. It covers everything from painting and decorating to plumbing, carpentry, electrical, and all trades. I wanted to do that as I wanted to be able to do all trades myself and to be independent." - Gina Zimbalatti, Level 2 Property Maintenance apprentice at Ribston Hall High School 


“Like many people who are looking to further their education, it can be a challenge to deciding the right path. There are advantages to both a traditional university experience and an apprenticeship but for myself I found the advantages of an apprenticeship outweigh the university experience. You do not have any student debt, you get hands on experience, you get paid, you have an opportunity to develop people skills and create relationships and there is a good chance that you will have a job at the end of the apprenticeship, or you will find it easier to apply elsewhere since you have experience in the industry.” - Mark Misztal, Cyber Security Integrated Degree apprentice at CDS Defense and Security 


How did you find your apprenticeship? 

"I found my apprenticeship through the Gloscol website before finishing school, as I knew A-levels wasn't for me. I wanted to do on-the-job training and learn at the same time. The initial process was simple, I had a phone call and was asked questions to see if the apprenticeship was the sort of thing I would be interested in. Then I was offered to interview with the school which is my current employer, and it was after that when I got the job." Emily Oakley, Level 4 Teaching Assistant apprentice at Forest View School 


"There was support all through the apprenticeship process. Before you start you meet your tutor and then you're told what to expect on the course. I started in September at the salon and went to college every other week." - Hollie Egerton, Level 3 Hairdressing apprentice at Hair Systems 


How do you combine on-the-job training and college work? 

"Due to my job nature, I work from home and from the office. I attend meetings and work on maintenance and daily cyber tasks for the company. If I've got a college assignment, I can take time out of my day to work towards completing it, so my working day is a mixture of both." - Ollie Gilchrist, Level 6 Cyber Security apprentice at EDF Energy 

"With Level 4, the step up is quite big. You do have to be on it and there are some late nights for sure. I think being honest with your manager and communicating is the best thing to do. With the higher levels you do have to do a bit of extra work but it's worth it." - Jacob Bexley, AAT Accounting apprentice at Kohler Mira Showers 

“At CDS DS, everyone is supportive and understanding. No matter what problem I may have or silly question, someone is willing to help! Support is provided throughout on a monthly basis with my line manager where we would discuss my current work, goals and future objectives. It is also an opportunity to raise any issues or concerns that I may have.  

Pretty much the same can be said about the college. The trainers are enthusiastic and keen to help. A quarterly review is conducted to ensure that I am on track with my learning and to raise any issues that I may have.” - Mark Misztal, Cyber Security Integrated Degree apprentice at CDS Defense and Security 


What do you have to do during your End Point Assessment? 

"There were two parts to my EPA, the practical part was to be observed for two hours teaching a group of children and this happened at my school. The second part was a 90-minute professional discussion where you've built up the portfolio of your apprenticeship journey, where you discuss everything about your apprenticeship, all your knowledge and skills you've acquired." - Emily Oakley, Level 4 Teaching Assistant apprentice at Forest View School 

What are you planning to do in the future after completing your apprenticeship? 

"At the end of my third year, I will complete my end point assessment (EPA). I want to stay with my current employer and get further experience, but I'd also like to experience different sectors in the electrical world and keep progressing from there." - Oliver Badger, Electrical Installation apprentice at MJK Electrical 

"I've just finished my EPA so that's all behind me. The next step is to enrol in a Chartership in accounting. I want to stay with the employer I'm currently with and we will see what the future holds." - Jacob Bexley, AAT Accounting apprentice at Mira Showers 

"I'm ready to do my EPA now, but I'm hoping to stay with my employer but either way I want to go on to start my own business and go on to gain more experience." - Gina Zimbalatti, Level 2 Property Maintenance apprentice at Ribston Hall School

I finished my apprenticeship two months ago and I will stay with my employer to the end of this academic year. Then I am going to university to train to become a Primary School Teacher. I had to get enough tariff points and my college tutor was extremely supportive throughout the applying process.” - Emily Oakley, Level 4 Teaching Assistant apprentice at Forest View School


Become an apprentice

Our apprenticeship programmes are available to anyone aged 16 and over, and applying is simple.

Apprenticeship Programmes at Gloucestershire College


Be sure to browse our current openings with local employers who are seeking new talent.

If you're already employed, the apprenticeship scheme can help you enhance your skills and earn valuable qualifications to advance your career. Discover our range of programs and connect with our Employer Training & Apprenticeships team to begin your journey towards success.

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